Vienna Drosophila Resource Center


Call for stock donations

To continue thriving, the VDRC aims to increase the number of unique stocks in its collection that have broad appeal or high value for current and/or future research. You are therefore invited to deposit your most popular stocks, especially comprehensive sets of lines for studying specific pathways or mechanisms. Community Stock Center Policy. Contact:

About the Vienna Drosophila Resource Center (VDRC)

The Vienna Drosophila Resource Center (VDRC) is a professionally organized bioresource center of international significance that aims to promote scientific discoveries in Drosophila melanogaster. Our main aim is to maintain unique transgenic Drosophila stocks and DNA resources and to distribute them both locally and worldwide. We also acquire, create, and develop new resources, according to emerging new technologies and the needs of the local and international Drosophila research community.




The VDRC is the main Drosophila melanogaster stock center in Europe and our primary role is to maintain and distribute unique transgenic fly lines to researchers at the Vienna BioCenter and worldwide. We currently maintain more than 30,000 independent lines, nearly all in duplicate, and have successfully shipped over 1.3 million lines to over 2.500 labs internationally.

We have the world's largest collection of Drosophila RNAi lines, enabling genome-wide screens. Other collections include lines for CRISPR technology, enhancer-GAL4 drivers, tagged constructs, mutant alleles, reporters and RNAi plasmids.



Our whole product base can be searched by using the search function in the top bar.

You can also add products by uploading a .csv file below containing either CG-Numbers or VDRC-IDs of products:

Add products via CG-Numbers

Each uploaded CG-Number is matched with all products referring this CG-Number, therefore more than one product per CG-Number may be added to the shopping cart.

Add products via VDRC-IDs

Each uploaded VDRC-ID is matched to exactly one product and added to the shopping cart.

Files should consist of a single column containing CG-Numbers/VDRC-IDs respective, not exceeding the item limit.