Shipping Information

  • In order to ship the requested items to you, we need your Fedex or DHL (China - DHL only) account number, with which you will have to provide us during the registration.
  • All orders with a total of 300 items or less will be prioritized for fast dispatch. This means your order will be dispatched within 2 weeks of receipt of your order (excluding public holidays, unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather, airline strikes, or as otherwise notified in advance on our website).
  • Orders with a total of more than 300 items may take up to 6-7 weeks to be dispatched.
  • If some fly lines you have ordered become unavailable during this time (e.g. sick) you will be notified and will receive a full refund for this part of the order.
  • If your order is for 300 items or less and VDRC fails to dispatch it within 2 weeks of receipt of order, you will be refunded 50% of the total cost of the order and your order will be dispatched as soon as possible thereafter.
  • VDRC can not take any responsibility for the condition of the flies due to the shipment.

Important note for users outside Austria

Some other countries not listed below may also require permissions for importing transgenic Drosophila.

Please check your local importing terms. Please make sure that your import permit is still valid. We will not be able to send your items again if your package will not be delivered due to expired import permit.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center have worked together to greatly simplify the regulations for importing Drosophila melanogaster stocks into the U.S.

As of April 5th 2021, if you wish to import transgenic Drosophila melanogaster strains that do not fall into one of the four categories of nonroutine strains, you should acquire a "Letter of No Permit Required". This document may be used for an unlimited number of shipments and may be used to import strains from any country. It will have no expiration date.

The VDRC can send packages with routine transgenic D. melanogaster stocks directly to the recipient, which should take only 2-3 working days, if you have a "Letter of No Permit Required" (LONPR).

Obtaining a "Letter of No Permit Required":

Request a "Letter of No Permit Required" from the Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS). See here for simple instructions.

Send the following documents to the VDRC via email ( or fax:

  1. "Letter of No Permit Required" (LONPR)

  2. Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Certification:
    As of March 21, 2017, import regulations for the US and Canada have been amended regarding the "TSCA certification". From now on the TSCA must be signed by the Importer (VDRC user).

    You can download the TSCA file here.
    How to fill out the TSCA? Please tick, NEGATIVE Certification, put in all the required details about your company, but leave the fields "date" and "waybill" blank. We will store it together with your Letter of No Permit Required and include it with your shipments.

Shipping via the old documents (Courtesy Permit and a "Letter of No Jurisdiction") is still valid until the permit expiry date, but we recommend that you obtain a new “Letter of No Permit Required” as soon as possible.

For further information please see:



Please send an import permit of the AQUIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service).



Please send us a permit of the "Bureau of animal and plant health inspection and quarantine" and a valid CR Number ’Customs Registration Number’.