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VDRC Id | 314053 |
Library | JB-STOCK |
Sub-Category | mutant allele | tagged construct |
Status | available |
Comment | Rhino, Kipferl, Nxf3 mutant allele combination; aka: N1Rhi(cDNA)rescue-KipfKO,Nxf3KO. Nxf3[A2-2] allele published in ElMaghraby et al., 2019. Homozygous females subfertile. |
Construct Id | 314053 |
Genotype | w; pRhino>3xFLAG/V5/Precission/GFP-Rhino[attP40], rhi[g2m11]/CyO ; CG2678[?1](dsRed+), nxf3[A2-2]/TM3, Sb |
Gene Symbol | rhi |
Gene Name | rhino |
Synonyms | 3x B CG2678 CG32135 FLAG GFP HP1 HP1D HP1d Heterochromatin protein 1 Kipf Kipferl NXF3 Nuclear export factor 3 Nxf3 Precission RHI RHINO Rhi Rhino V5 anon-84Eb heterochromatin protein 1 |
Keywords | Rhino GFP FLAG Precission 3x V5 Nxf3 tag Kipferl |
Inserted Chromosome | 2;3 |
Viability | sterile |
Publication | Baumgartner et al. , eLife (2022) |
Provider Scientist | Julius Brennecke |
Provider Organization | Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA) |