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VDRC Id 313531
Library JB-STOCK
Sub-Category mutant alleles
Status available
Comment ago3 Cas9 allele (guide RNA1; KS1-1m5-4); generated in the w[1118] stock with isogenized 2nd and 3rd chromosomes (stock KS18); 2nd chromosome is not isogenic; stock becomes over time homozygous partially fertile; it carries the following frameshift sequence: w1118: CATCTCGGTCGGCCG, ago3g1: CA−−−−−−−−−−CCG (-10)
Construct Id 313531
Genotype w[1118];; ago3 [g1]/TM3, Sb;
Synonyms Ago3 KS1-1m5-4
Sequence empty
Viability unknown
Publication PMID: 26302790