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Library JB-STOCK
Construct Id 313251
Status available
VDRC Id 313251
Comment Pacman CH322-15N16 containing the CG12721 locus with N-terminal GFP_Precission_V5_3xFLAG; plasmid JB460; Glycerol #693
Name w; ; 3xFLAG/V5/Precission/GFP_CG12721 [attP2]/TM3,Sb;
Genotype w; ; 3xFLAG/V5/Precission/GFP_CG12721 [attP2]/TM3,Sb;
Sub-Category Tagged construct
Chromosome(s) -1
Description Pacman CH322-15N16 containing the CG12721 locus with N-terminal GFP_Precission_V5_3xFLAG; plasmid JB460; Glycerol #693
Publication Andersen et al., Nature 2017
Sequence empty
Synonyms moonshiner
Viability unknown