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VDRC Id | 311021 |
Library | TS-STOCK |
Sub-Category | synthetic construct |
Status | available |
Comment | Contains an FRT-flanked TaDa (Targeted DamID) cassette that can convert FlyORF lines to Dam-tagged lines via Flippase-mediated cassette exchange. FlyORF-TaDa. Provider Scientists: Tony Southall, Owen Marshall. Provider Organization: Imperial College London, Menzies Institute for Medical Research |
Construct Id | 311021 |
Genotype | w[1118]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=hs-FLPD5}attP40; M{RFP[3xP3.PB] w[+mC]=UAS-flyORF.TaDa}ZH-86Fb |
Synonyms | Dam Dam; FlyORF; TaDa; Targeted DamID, FRT FlyORF N/A TaDa Targeted DamID, FRT synthetic construct |
Keywords | FlyORF Targeted DamID, FRT synthetic construct Dam N/A TaDa |
Sequence | empty |
Viability | unknown |
Publication | Aughey et al., G3 (2021) |