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VDRC Id 311061
Library ML-STOCK
Sub-Category tagged construct
Status available
Comment 32 repeats of the SunTag(v4) peptide have been inserted at the N-terminal end of the coding sequence of the endogenous twi locus (this allows visualization of the protein). dsRED screening marker is positioned after twist 3'UTR, homozygote not viable
Construct Id 311061
Genotype y1,w*; twist-32x_Suntag {dsRed +}/CyO
Gene Symbol twi
Gene Name twist
FlyBase gene number FBgn0003900
Synonyms suntag, twi_suntag, dsRed
tagged construct
Keywords twist
tagged construct
suntag, twi_suntag, dsRed
Sequence empty
Viability unknown
Publication Dufourt et al., Science (2021)